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I recently came into contact with a “Mom Blog” called Kindred Mom. What a beautiful community filled with blogs written by women across the country covering a whole host of topics near to every mom’s heart. They touch on tough subjects – like childhood cancer and miscarriage. And they give encouragement on how to be the best Mom possible.

This summer, I submitted my own, very personal story, to this site. Much to my great joy, they accepted it. Finally, I have been able to give a voice to my own journey of becoming a first time mom. I would love for you to read it and pass it along, especially if you know someone who may be encouraged from it.

Here’s the link to my blog: Birth Scars. I hope it blesses you today!


I saw her for 30 seconds after her birth, then not at all for 4 hours. When I finally did see her, I wasn’t allowed to hold her; this was as close as we could get. Read the rest of the story on my guest post!